So I recently bought the nike for ipod kit.
I dont even run.
I'm trying to work up to that eventually. But for now I'm just a walker. (it's funny saying that, I was a walker back in elemenary school - I got to walk home *awesome-sauce*)
I don't wear Nike's either - I have a pair of Reebok easytones. They're for walking, but I'm hoping I can kinda walk/run in them.
So I used it for the first time today, and it as neato bandito. The lady talked to me while I trotted along.
"1 point 2 miles..." I felt special.
When I got home from my walk, I plugged into the laptop and it took me to the nike website, and this popped up.
Don't make fun of my lack of skillz. I was just taking Trixie out for a walk.
I can't wait to really get into this when the weather gets nice. They even have kits you can put on your ipod to train you. How perfect is that?!
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