During the week of "Le Hurricane" I was prepping myself for the devistation that never came.
I had made a promise to Joe as well to clean out the flower bed of all the weeds before we left. Luckily when I got home Saturday from the bakery it was only mildly raining and I wanted to keep my promise to clean up.
I was pulling weeds and being bored, when I saw something dart around the weeds.
I then found this little guy.
I have a knack for finding bunnies. I found this little guy, then 2 of his/her friends hopping around as well. I then found their home. a little hole that had filled with water, and at the rate it was raining, it would have filled up and they would die!
I put them in a box on the porch with a sweater to keep them warm. But amazingly they managed to escape. The jumped OUT of the box, onto the floor (somehow didnt break their little necks) and found a nice warm spot - Under the keggrator.
Joe and I managed to get them out, and we then found a safer house for them to enjoy.
the dogs we're in love. Leela wanted nothing more than to jump into the cage and be the mommy.
In the end. the dog sitter let them go, and they did okay. I saved the day. :)
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